is it just me or does anyone else feel the need for a rest reset in 2023
Tomorrow is the vernal equinox which marks the first day of spring and a great marker to reset.
Spring equinox signals the return of sunshine, warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, and other seasonal effects that are noticeable to everyone…
Well, I am surely hoping for some blooming flowers and a noticeable difference in my wellbeing. It’s not that the year has been bad, but it seems like everyone I talk to these days is feeling some sort of stuckness.
Personally, I got stuck with a lot of Girl Scout cookies (ok I bought them but I figured it was for a good cause) so then I felt compelled to eat them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to diminish the pile and now boatloads of sugar later I am feeling sluggish and a tiny bit motivated to course correct.
Since I know I need to do more than hope I am taking this opportunity for a new season to reset myself and wanted to share a few things I am thinking going to do to get blooming in the energy department.
a few things I am starting with
My morning ritual may seem lengthy but it only takes about 30 minutes and definitely gives me 10x on that investment. Yet another reminder that it doesn’t take a complete overhaul to get back on track. I will be adding more details and links to resources so stay tuned here…
Yet another reminder to myself that it doesn’t take a complete overhaul to get back on track.
Revisiting prior successes is the best way to gain quick momentum, even though I know that logically, my brain or ❤️or stomach just got the best of me.
the other thing that works.
sharing out loud
Research shows that sharing a goal or commitment with friends (or foes) results in 64% greater success in achieving what you want to accomplish.
I am working on enlisting as many compatriots as possible on my quest for feeling fresher and more blooming energy because feeling good is contagious.
I would love to hear what you are doing to reset your year!
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